League Tournaments

As usual, this year the League is organising two closed tournaments, the traditional League Congress and a one-day rapidplay. Both will be held in the Student's Union (Avon Gorge), Queens Road, Clifton. They are open only to members of League clubs and affiliated organisations. In both events, all entry fees less expenses will be returned as prizes, which will include grading prizes.

Entry forms for both will be sent to club secretaries in the Autumn, and the contact is the League Congress Secretary, Steve Boniface.

The 24th League Congress

Friday 28th to Sunday 30th January 2000, The Student's Union (Avon Gorge), Queens Road, Clifton.

The League's Individual Championships will be decided at our annual weekend Congress. There will be a number of sections (provisionally Open, U150, U115, U80). There will be a trophy and cash prizes for each section, and a team prize for the best aggregate score by four named players from the same club.

Tournaments will be five-round Swisses with rounds on Friday evening, Saturday morning and afternoon and Sunday afternoon and evening. The rate of play will be 42 moves in 1¾ hours, followed by a 15 minute quick-play finish. This is an ideal first tournament for inexperienced players.

The 5th League Rapidplay

Saturday 18th March 2000, at the Students' Union, Queens Road, Clifton.

This will be a five-round Swiss, with all moves in 25 minutes. Games will not be graded. Sections to be decided.

Summer Lightning Team Tournament

Six players per side play each player on other side i.e. 36 games per match. Run during June, July and August - entries close at the AGM in May. The tournament started as a knock-out in 1992 and is now run under the Swiss system.

FIDE Rating Tournament

The League is expecting to organise a tournament for suitable players to gain a full or partial FIDE rating. It is anticipated that this, the first such tournament in Bristol, will take the form of a ten player all-play-all.

Watch out for further details during the year. Spectators will be most welcome.

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