Bristol League Games Archive

This is an archive of games from events held in the area covered by the League. We would be happy to accept any suitable collections of games to add to the archive, just contact us.

Most files are available in zipped ChessBase CBF format and zipped PGN format. New files are being made available in zipped ChessBase CBV format instead of CBF.

For an excellent collection of major British games, see the Britbase games archive.

Acknowledgements: John Saunders (BCM Editor) has provided much help and advice. Carl Dunn confirmed details of the 1861 tournament (which did indeed have only 9 games and, as was usual at the time, was run on a KO basis). Ian George supplied the Exeter Premier games. Martyn Sellars supplied the 1999 and 2000 Bristol League Congress games.

Year Event Games CBF PGN Added
1819-59 The Bristol Chess Club, Book II 46 CBF PGN 16/11/97
1859-71 The Bristol Chess Club, Book III 68 CBF PGN 01/01/98
1861 Bristol Tournament (1st Paulsen; 2nd Boden) 9 CBF PGN 06/02/98
1871-83 The Bristol Chess Club, Book IV 69 CBV PGN 17/08/98
1947 WECU Championship, Bristol (1st ARB Thomas) 28 PGN
1963 British Championship, Bath (1st Penrose)
1968 British Championship, Bristol (1st Penrose) 198 PGN
1973 European Team Championship, Bath (1st U.S.S.R.) 224 CBF PGN 28/12/97
1980 1st Manor Tyres Open (1st Basman) incomplete 33 CBF PGN 13/12/97
1981 2nd Manor Tyres Open (1st Miles,Chandler) incomplete 19 CBF PGN 03/01/98
1982 3rd Manor Tyres Open (1st Miles) incomplete 25 CBF PGN 09/01/98
1983 BBC Master Game, Bath (1st Miles; 2nd Karpov) 25 CBF PGN 29/12/97
1987 British Zonal, Bath (1st Speelman) 55 CBF PGN 21/12/97
1990 Bristol League Congress, Section 1 (1st Mordue) 44 CBF PGN 08/09/97
1991 Bristol League Congress, Section 1 (1st Beaumont) 36 CBF PGN 28/01/98
1992 Bristol League Congress, Section 1 (1st Beaumont) 45 CBF PGN 29/01/98
1993 Bristol League Congress, Section 1 (1st Collier) 32 CBF PGN 28/01/98
1993 Bristol League Congress, Section 2 (1st Summerill, Higgins) incomplete 13 CBF PGN 28/01/98
1994 Bristol League Congress, Section 1 (1st Phillips) 42 CBF PGN 26/01/98
1994 Hanham Congress, Open (1st C & J Cobb, Greet, Phillips) 74 CBF PGN 28/01/98
1995 Bristol League Congress, Section 1 (1st Ansell) 35 CBF PGN 26/01/98
1996 Bristol League Congress, Open (1st Beaumont) 29 CBF PGN 26/01/98
1997 Bristol League Congress, Open (1st Osborne) 41 CBF PGN 24/01/98
1997 Hanham Congress, Open (1st Ansell, Baker) 66 CBF PGN 21/11/97
1998 Bristol League Congress, Open (1st Baker) 39 CBF PGN 19/03/98
1998 Frome Open (1st Arkell, Turner)
CBV PGN 13/07/98
1999 Exeter Premier (1st Baer)
CBV PGN 14/03/99
1999 Bristol League Congress, Open (1st C Cobb) 55 CBV PGN 28/03/99
1999 Hanham Congress, Open (1st C Cobb) 63 CBV PGN 16/10/99
2000 Bristol League Congress, Open (1st Beaumont) 48 CBV PGN 05/06/00 NEW

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